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作者: 日期: 2024-05-23 编辑:   来源:  阅读:[ ]次

  潘妤,博士学位,研究生学历,讲师。主讲《大学英语》《基础英语写作》、《高级英语写作》、《语音语调》、《课堂评估》、《教学法》课程。研究方向为应用语言学、高等教育学和国际传播。瓯江青年社科学者,上海大学访问学者,温州医学院公共政策与社会发展研究所科研助手,上海大学“话语分析”课程思政示范团队成员。主持、参与省部级、市厅级及校级课题共26 项。在社会学、传播学和高等教育领域,主持省部级、市厅级科研项目16 项。近五年主持省部级教改课题5 项,参与省部级教改课题2 项。参与中国贫困治理对外话语研究的国家社科基金中华学术外译项目、国家社科基金重大项目和民族语研究的国家社科基金项目。《浙江医学史》(人民卫生出版社)编者,参编《温州医科大学附属第一医院院史》。一作或独作在国内外学术期刊发表研究论文20 余篇,参与发表于Chinese Medical Journal(影响因子6.1 分,Q1 区)的SCI 论文。获浙江省第三届高校教师教学创新大赛三等奖,浙江省第四届“外教社杯”全国高校外语教学大赛三等奖等教学荣誉,荣获学院教学创新奖、院级先进工作者、科研优秀奖。指导学生在“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛省赛、“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛国赛及省赛中荣获佳绩。

  Pan Yu, Doctor of Education and lecturer in School of Foreign Language Studies in WenzhouMedical University. Research focus includes applied linguistics, higher education, and international communication. Instructor for courses including College English, Basic English Writing, Advanced English Writing, Phonetics and Intonation, Classroom Assessment, and Teaching Methods. Awarded the honor of Oujiang Young Social Scientist, a visiting scholar at Shanghai University, a member of the Discourse Analysis Ideological Demonstration Team at Shanghai University and a research assistant at the Institute of Public Policy and Social Development at Wenzhou Medical University.Led and participated in a total of 26 projects at the provincial, ministerial, municipal, and institutional levels, directing 16 research projects in sociology, communication studies, and higher education at the provincial and ministerial levels. In recent five years, five provincial educational reform projects have been led and two have been participated in. Involvement also extends to National Social Science Fund projects focusing on China’s discourse on poverty alleviation, major National Social Science Fund projects, and National Social Science Fund projects on ethnic languages. Serves as editor of History of Medicine in Zhejiang (published by People’s Medical Publishing House) and co-editor of the History of the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University.

  Over 20 research papers have been authored or co-authored, published in domestic and international academic journals, including a paper in the Chinese Medical Journal (impact factor 6.1, Q1 category). Recognition includes the third prize in the Third Zhejiang Provincial University Teaching Innovation Contest and the third prize in the Fourth “FLTRP Cup” National University Foreign Language Teaching Competition. Additionally, awards have been received for College Teaching Innovation, Institutional Advanced Worker, and Research Excellence. Guidance has led students to achieve outstanding results in provincial and national competitions, such as the “Challenge Cup” Extracurricular Academic and Scientific Competition and the “FLTRP Cup” National English Writing Competition.

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